Your generous donations and gifts help to ensure the future of Catholic Education in Hawaii for many years to come. The Augustine Educational Foundation is possible because of your support and faith in our mission.
Please donate to Catholic Education and
note your parish below
Other ways to support:
Please send a check made out to the Augustine Educational Foundation and send to the address below. If you would like this donation to go towards a specific fund, please be sure to include the name of the fund on the memo section of your check.
Augustine Educational Foundation
6301 Pali Highway
Kaneohe, HI 96744
There is no greater gift we can give the students in our Honolulu Diocese than the gift of a Catholic education. There is no better investment than in the Augustine Educational Foundation to make sure these students realize their potential.
Your planned gift to the AEF will ensure the availability of a values based education for generations to come, and at the same time will provide you with a tax benefit. There are many easy giving options from which you can choose from naming the AEF in your will as a beneficiary in your will to a lifetime income arrangement.
All donations will be considered unrestricted unless noted in Gift Designation.
All donations are tax deductible.
Please reference AEF Federal ID #99-0230013 on your upcoming tax form.

• Cash Bequest: Give the AEF without affecting cash needs during your lifetime.
• Securities: Realize significant tax breaks through gifts of appreciated stock to the AEF.
• Real Estate: Transfer residential, commercial or undeveloped real estate to the Foundation.
• Retirement Funds: Give funds from your IRA to the AEF.
• Life Insurance: Preserve your assets and give a significant gift.
• Charitable Gift Annuity: Receive a fixed payout and significant tax breaks. Payments can be immediate or deferred.
• Charitable Remainder Trust: Receive a stream of income and minimize capital gain and estate taxes.
All donations will be considered unrestricted unless noted in Gift Designation.